Supported Projects

Supported Projects

2018 Zug

Food Matters

With Food Matters ingredients left-overs from recipes will be a problem of the past: the app allows you to easily figure out a cooking plan over a specific time frame that uses all the ingredients you bought.


Forgetting food in the fridge is a common cause of foodwaste. BEAT reminds you before your food expires and provides you with recipe-recommendations based on your inventory. Beat the Foodwaste!

2018 Basel & Lausanne

The following projects were sent to the last round at the international
incubator Masschallenge and are currently being supported by

Food on Record

Helps nutritionists to provide faster and better advice to their patients. See project overview


Helps individuals achieve a healthier lifestyle with personalized food recommendations. See project overview


Helps restaurants foresee the amount of clients and orders to save resources. See project overview


Fights against fake products with the help of data and Ambrosus Blockchain technology. See project overview


The following projects were incubated by over almost 12 months:


Foodimmune is an application, that keeps you stay healthy with traditional medicine food. You are what you eat. See Final Report FoodImmune


With our project, we aim to illuminate the story of the meat you buy in store and make meat buying more personal. See Final Report MeatStory


Tool that helps connecting individuals who are seeking for healthier food to restaurants. See Final Report NutriMenu

Jarvis the Nutritionist

Jarvis is here to help you for your groceries ! He’s smart, kind and neutral, he won’t judge you. See: Final Report Jarvis 


Open Receipts turns your food receipts into actionable data: calories, allergies and more. See: Final Report Openreceipts

All Past Projects

All the projects and prototypes presented and developed at our Hackdays can be viewed on our community platform, linked below:

Zug, September 7-9, 2018

Basel, February 16-17, 2018

Lausanne, January 27-28, 2018

Lausanne and Zürich, February 10-11, 2017